Rock River Valley Chapter of the Studebaker Drivers Club

Our Charter, Keeping the Studebaker Marque Alive
   Home      Join RRVCSDC
Want to Join the Rock River Valley Chapter of the Studebaker Drivers Club.  
 Note:  You must be a member of the National SDC to join the RRV Chapter, please list your National Membership Number in the form.
Fill out this form, then see instructions at the bottom of the page 
First and Last Name**:
Spouse First Name:
Home Phone Number**:
Cell Phone Number:
Street Address**:
Zip Code**:
Date of Birth (Member and Spouse)**:
Anniversary Date:
Studebaker National Membership Number**:
(** Required Fields)
After you have filled out the form,  print the form using the "Print This Page" icon (the little printer - top right hand corner) on this page, then click the "Submit" button above.
Enclose your check for $30.00, payable to RRVCSDC,  along with the form you printed out and mail to:
Gordy Buetsch
5777 Tipple Road
Rockford, IL 61102